Wednesday 10 September 2008

O Tempora, O Mores #4a

Well, it looks like we have found a way to outwit technology.

After I had
pointed out how Google Reader captures the contents of all posts in its subscription list, including those that the author decides ought not to be shared with the world at large, my friend Tara D posted a solution on the comments to the post. For those who don't read the comments, here is what Tara said:

Instead of deleting the post, delete all the content of the post, and re-post it with the words "Post Deleted by the Author" (or any variation thereof), and re-save it without changing the title of the post. Of course, every visitor hereon in will see this new text, but that is a small price to pay to prevent all us evil geniuses (like me) from reading your inadvertently public private thoughts.


Charlotta-love said...

I saw her solution. Smart thinking, that Tara!

Tara D. said...

Aw shucks!

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