Thursday 11 September 2008

A different location this weekend

There may be no long-term change on the GPS for a while, but there will be a short-term one this weekend. Tonight, I'm off to the picturesque town of Ooty (actually it is Udhagamandalam, but the British couldn't make it past Ootacumund, and this in turn led to its common nickname Ooty).

I am meeting a friend at the bottom of the Nilgiri hills, and we are going to travel up in the scenic Nilgiri Mountain Railway, which was conferred the status of a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2005. I haven't done this train journey since I was a kid, and my friend, being an American fairly new to these parts, has never done this trip, so we anticipate a fun time for all.

If the photos turn out well, I'll post them here next week.

I hope everyone else enjoys their own weekends.


Charlotta-love said...

Train; Golf course; Train; Golf course... Man, adventures to be had by all! Have fun!

Unknown said...

Photos! I want to see photos! Have fun in the middle of taking them. :-)

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