Sunday, 7 September 2008

O Tempora, O Mores #4

Some months ago, when I started listening to different podcasts and reading the blogs of a number of my friends on a regular basis, I discovered the joys of Google Reader. It was so convenient: enter the feed address in the "Add Subscription" box (you can get the correct address by clicking the RSS button), click OK, and - hey, presto - Reader does the rest. It downloads all entries, including those from years gone by if they have been so formatted, and automatically downloads new entries as they are published.

It's fantastic. However...

This is technology we're talking about, so there has to be a pitfall or two (dozen). Here is a major flaw that I've discovered recently.

If you decide to delete a post, the general public may be blissfully unaware of it, but not someone who uses Google Reader. Reader captures the post, and does not delete it. Worse still, I don't know
how to delete a post from Reader.

So, dear authors, beware the next time you consider posting something confidential or controversial on your blog. With some people, you may not be able to take it back.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Tara D. said...

This is very true! It's quite unfortunate :(

Tara D. said...

I just read something that might help those who wish to permanently delete a post. Instead of just deleting a post from blogger, edit it first but removing all content, maybe even typing out that the "post has been removed", then republishing it before removing it. That way, all those who use google reader will only see "post has been removed". :)

Charlotta-love said...

I've actually read several entries of friends, clicked to comment, then realized the post no longer existed. It's a strange sensation the next time I see them (most of the blogs I read are friends I see on a regular basis). "Um, yeah, I know something about you that you don't want anyone to know..."

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