Friday 16 May 2008

What's Going On? #1

Every once in a while, something will happen in the world that will make me wonder how human beings can treat each other so badly. At such times, I have to ask the same question Marvin Gaye asked in 1971: "What's Going On?" * * * * * * Two weeks ago today, Cyclone Nargis struck the south-eastern Asian country of Burma. Official figures put the number of dead at over 43,000 with 28,000 more missing. Thousands of people around the world have assisted relief efforts by contributing time, money and supplies. And some of it may be for naught. Burma has been ruled by military dictatorship since 1962. In 1990, parliamentary elections were held in Burma for the first time in 30 years. The pro-democracy movement led by Aung San Suu Kyi won a huge majority of parliamentary seats, but the elections were promptly annulled by the military junta, and Ms. Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest. Protests from within the country and pressure from international organisations and governments have failed to budge the military dictators who continue to rule Burma, suppress free speech and democracy and commit serious violations of human rights. Even with such a background, it is quite amazing that the dictators have restricted the inflow of foreign aid to those hit by Cyclone Nargis. Those in the capital city of Rangoon appear to have received aid, and re-building is currently under way according to BBC reports. However, foreign aid workers have been denied access to the worst hit areas in the Irrawady Delta. The official death figures appear to be a severe underestimation. In the words of Marvin Gaye, "What's going on?"


wild murdocks said...

Yes, Marvin Gaye was a beautiful man.

It is deeply disturbing. I hate to see innocent people suffering. There was a political cartoon in the paper the other day that showed a mother in Burma crying with a child in the flood, and a woman crying in China in the earthquake aftermath, then it showed an american in a huge SUV crying at the gas pump. We don't realize how good we have it, until mother nature puts us in our place.

Tiffany said...

I LOVE Marvin Gaye adn I LOVE that song...

Tara D. said...

Isn't that terrible. I feel so awful for those people; I wish we could do more for them. I love the new look of the blog btw. Grrrreat!

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