Friday 9 January 2009



Link to the person that tagged you—this would be Tiffany.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

My 6 non-important quirks (What? Don't you guys know enough about me already??):

  1. Whenever I visit a new country, I seek out the local chocolate. I almost failed in Spain, because they cleverly import almost all of theirs from Switzerland, France or Belgium, but I did succeed eventually.
    Another interesting search was in Holland. I didn't know if the Dutch made chocolate, so I asked my host, Jos. He said there was a good brand called Droste, and that it was made in his hometown. I wrote down the name and went looking for it in the supermarkets. I found a box, bought it, and subsequently found it to be delicious. The sequel: I now notice that practically every airport Duty Free shop that I pass sells Droste chocolate.
    (PS: American chocolate is useless.)
  2. I have over 25 shot glasses from Hard Rock Cafes around the world, almost all of which were bought by me. The three that weren’t (Las Vegas, Hong Kong and Singapore) were from places that I had previously visited. That’s the rule: only from places that I have visited. A friend of mine went to Lisbon on holiday and offered to buy me a shot glass, but I declined her generous offer as I’ve never been there.
  3. I haven’t owned a car for the past five years. In fact, I’ve only driven on two occasions since 2003. Give it up for public transport in Europe and Asia (and a smaller carbon footprint pour moi)!
  4. I became a fan of the San Antonio Spurs without knowing where San Antonio even was. Actually, I became a fan of David Robinson during the 1992 Olympics and decided to support the team for which he played, which happened to be the San Antonio Spurs. Good decision.
  5. I will hardly ever print on one side of the paper. If the printer has a duplex setting, I will use that. If it doesn’t, I will feed the paper by hand so that I can print on both sides of the paper. My little way of giving some love back to the trees.
  6. I seem to enjoy movies set in France. Charade, To Catch a Thief, the Pink Panther movies, Ronin, The Transporter…heck, I even started to like Mr. Bean after watching Mr. Bean’s Holiday ("O Mio Babbino Caroooooo…").

And now for the good part: tagging people. Well, I'm tagging people without checking if they've been tagged previously or not. If you have, now you have extra reason to get on with it. I tag:


Bobbie said...

ta-dah! I did it.


wild murdocks said...

A few people have tagged me with this one! It is fitting, since I am somewhat random.

So, I have done it! Here is the link:

I must say, yours is much more interesting than mine, and impressive--saving the trees and carbon footprints and what-not. Mine is all about monkeys, tap dancing, and jalepeno cheddar dip. BORING.

Charlotta-love said...

1. (I know. That's why I don't eat it.)
2. I buy my mom thimbles of places I visit. She owns more thimbles of places she's never been. I buy myself a magnet.
3. I have owned my car since 2005. Give it up for no car payments!
4. I don't like spurs. They are prickly.
5. I try to use entire sheets of paper. Shoot, I used blueprints as wrapping paper! I'd say that's recycling.
6. Sabrina?

Unknown said...

Lisbon! (I think it was me who offered) I can't even remember seeing a Hard Rock Cafe there... Mind, I was highly unimpressed by the city. It's a great place to get a wedding dress, eat fish and to take mass. Oh and if you want your walllet stolen...
I don't think I have enough unusual things about me to do somehting similar... I'll have a think between midnight feeds...

Shankar said...

5. I'd say that's recycling, too.
6. Definitely Sabrina, too.

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